December 18, 2012

The Wait, The Search, The Hope

Whatever stage of life you're going through, there is one thing common across all the stages - the wait, the search, the hope.
You can be a kid waiting for your mom to come to pick you up at the daycare; You could be a old man whose only wish is to see his long distant son near him when takes his last breath. You could be warrior hoping to return home and see your wife and kids. You could be a repenting man hoping to wipe off his past. Whatever it is, you always have hope. Your eyes keep looking for something. Wherever you go, we search for only one thing - hope.

Based on this thought, I wrote a few lines, trying my best to tell as many things as possible from these few lines. Here you are -

I look into the sky,
And search for god.
I look into her eyes,
And wait for a nod.

I look at the soil,
And search for my feet.
I look at the horizon,
And wish we could meet.

I look into my past,
And i search for a face
I look into the future
Hoping to win the race.

I look at my tired palms,
And try to read every line.
I look at the rainy cloud
Hoping the sun would shine.