October 1, 2021

Is it worth the ........... ?

Whatever activity/task you're doing, always try to answer this question for yourself - 

Is it worth the ______ that you are putting in?

There are 4 options to fill in the blank here and they should cover almost all your life situations. And those are: 

  • Time
  • Effort
  • Risk
  • Money 

August 17, 2021

Keep Fighting

Keep pouring the rains, O thy fate, 

The courage instilled within will still not abate. 

How long will you keep, the darkness of this night?

You know the sun will rise, and there will be light. 

July 15, 2021

Choice vs Compromise

You're convinced and then you take a decision - it's a choice

You take a decision and then you're convinced - it's a compromise. 

June 3, 2021

Gravity Failure

No matter how strong gravity is, it cannot bring you down to earth; you have to do it yourself

June 1, 2021

A necessary companion

No matter what your destination is, make sure to carry some trust with you; it definitely helps in the journey!

February 26, 2021

The ultimate masquerader

Wrapping his wounds with a blanket of humor,
and covering his tears with an unknown smile,
he holds the courage to ignore his fear,
that all will blow when a storm hits his aisle!