May 5, 2008


If you have read 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho, the one think that might awestruck you is his imagination, and secondly the simplicity with which he tried to portray his imagination to us. Just by the means of a simple story, a fable, i must say in which we have the conversations of Sun and the wind. :)
Sounds brilliant, doesn't it?? Still, he has a message to give. That's his specialty which makes him stand apart from the normal crowd.
But, for me, apart which from his imagination power and his way of representing it, what took me off the ground was just one word..'MAKTUB'
No more suspense now..MAKTUB means 'Everything is written' . The moment i saw this word in the book, my mind started wandering planets. It began to churn vigorously. This thought had never came to mind, not in my wildest dreams. It awoke a new morning for me.
Its been a long time now, and i feel that this word has made an impact on my life. I began to think in the way i had never dreamt of thinking.
And it was like all my pieces were falling right into their place and the jigsaw puzzle was solved. :)
And i believe that if everyone one us, just open our minds and think out of the box, will come to the same conclusion.
For me, today i am convinced that indeed, life is 'MAKTUB'